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Abiraterone alongside standard therapy helps men with high-risk prostate cancer to live longer
Results from the STAMPEDE trial were presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2021
Spotlight on ESMO
The unit had a great presence at EMSO this year with STAMPEDE, FOCUS4 and TRISST all showcasing new results over the weekend
Clarivate Announces Winner of Eugene Garfield Award 2021
Elena Pallari receives award for proposal for innovation in clinical research assessment
ZeNix trial shows lower dose of linezolid can be used for treating highly drug resistant tuberculosis
Results from the ZeNix trial show that the BPaL combination of drugs remains effective against highly drug resistant tuberculosis (TB) with reduced dosage or duration of the linezolid part of the regimen.
ODYSSEY trial finds dolutegravir-based HIV treatment is better for babies
The anti-HIV drug dolutegravir, given in combination with other anti-HIV drugs, improves outcomes for babies and young children living with HIV, compared to standard anti-HIV treatment combinations.