A trial testing multiple treatments at different times aiming to find one that can slow or stop disease progression in people with Parkinson's disease.
Edmond J. Safra Accelerating Clinical Trials in Parkinson’s disease: A Multi-arm Multi-stage Platform Trial for potential disease modifying approaches
What is this study about?
EJS ACT-PD aims to speed-up how treatments that can slow or stop the progression of Parkinson’s disease are found by using a multi-arm, multi-stage (MAMS) design. MAMS trials make it possible to test new treatments much faster, by:
- Testing multiple treatments at once in separate treatment groups and comparing them with a single placebo (dummy drug) group.
- Using early checks to see if a treatment is showing signs of activity. Treatments that do not appear to be working can be removed from the trial.
- Allowing new treatment groups to be added without needing to stop and re-start the trial. This means that what would normally be two or more trials can all be delivered in one, saving both time and money.
Cure Parkinson's - The Science of Parkinson's blog
Type of study
Randomised trial
Contact details
Data Sharing
For any data sharing requests please email the EJS ACT-PD trial team on mrcctu.EJSACT-PD@ucl.ac.uk, to discuss and advise on the process.
Who is funding the study?
EJS ACT-PD is funded by the Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme (an MRC and NIHR partnership), Cure Parkinson’s, Parkinson’s UK, The John Black Charitable Foundation, The Michael J Fox Foundation, The Gatsby Charitable Foundation, and Van Andel Institute.
When is it taking place?
EJS ACT-PD is funded to run from 1 August 2024 until 31 July 2031.
Where is it taking place?
EJS ACT-PD is taking place in 40 sites across the UK.
Who is included?
Adults aged over 30 with a clinical diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.