Accelerating clinical trials in Parkinson's

We are aiming to revolutionise clinical trials in Parkinson’s disease, by developing a multi-arm, multi-stage platform to accelerate our search for a cure. Currently, there is a gap between each phase of clinical trial, which adds significant delays. Each time a new trial starts, its infrastructure has to be rebuilt from scratch. With Parkinson’s being the fastest growing neurological condition in the world, we need a more efficient way to find answers.

This project (NIHR160829) is funded by the Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme, an MRC and NIHR partnership, Cure Parkinson’s, The Michael J Fox Foundation, Parkinson’s UK, The John Black Charitable Foundation, The Gatsby Charitable Foundation and Van Andel Institute.

For more information please visit the EJS ACT-PD website:

EJS ACT-PD website

 EJS ACT-PD study page