Our research at the ICTMC Conference 2022

29 Sep 2022

Next Monday marks the beginning of the 6th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC) 2022, and our methodologist experts will be presenting their latest results.

ICTMC is the largest academic-led conference on clinical trials and how to improve them through methodology research. With more than 850 participants, this year’s edition of ICTMC will take place from Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th of October in Harrogate, UK.

We will be engaging actively through oral presentations, poster presentations, and educational workshops (check the tables below for more information). Our director, Max Parmar, will be giving the closing Keynote Presentation.

If you want to read more information about the conference visit ictmc.org. It’s possible to register at any time.




Session (time)

Session name




11:05 AM - 12:25 PM

PS.2A - Healthcare Systems Data & Trials I

Demonstrating the data integrity of routinely collected healthcare systems data for clinical trials

Macey Murray et al


3:15 PM - 4:35 PM

PS.3B - Monitoring and Data Quality

What is the purpose of clinical trial monitoring?

Sharon Love et al


3:15 PM - 4:35 PM

PS.3B - Monitoring and Data Quality

Artificial Intelligence in Trial Monitoring: Using Machine Learning to identify poor performance sites in clinical trials

Louise Coutts et al



3:15 PM - 4:35 PM

PS.3C - Adaptive Designs

Combining factorial and MAMS platform designs to evaluate multiple interventions efficiently

Ian R White et al



8:30 AM - 9:50 AM

PS.4B - Collecting Evidence, Protecting Equipoise

Total Or Control Events: Choosing Approach For Timing Of Trial Analyses

Babak Choodari-Oskooei et al


10:20 AM - 11:40 AM

PS.5A - Communications I

What influences participant satisfaction with how trial results are shared with them? Patient and site staff views from the Show RESPECT study

Annabelle South et al


2:00 PM - 3:20 PM

PS.6A - Missing Data

Targeting the right population in trials with outcomes missing-at-random given covariates

Tim P. Morris et al


2:00 PM - 3:20 PM

PS.6B - Reducing Trial Waste

Late-phase academic-led trials for potential regulatory use: Lessons and recommendations from one trials unit’s experience

Victoria Yorke-edwards et al


3:50 PM - 4:50 PM

PS.7A - Estimands

Using estimands to inform trial choices: upending conventional wisdoms

Brennan Kahan et al


8:30 AM - 9:50 AM

PS.8C - Healthcare Systems Data & Trials II

Agreement and completeness of routine versus trial-specific patient outcome data : a systematic review

Saiam Ahmed et al


11:20 AM - 12:20 PM

Keynote: Designs for Randomised Phase III Clinical Trials How Have they Changed and How Might they Change? A Personal Perspective

Methodology for Randomised Phase III Clinical Trials: How times have changed - a personal perspective

Max Parmar et al



Poster sessions will run Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th during morning, lunch, and afternoon breaks:

Poster Title Authors
Walking The Walk - Embedding Patient and Public Involvement in the culture of the MRC CTU at UCL Annabelle South
Developing Patient-centred Outcome Measures for Clinical Trials in Drug-resistant Tuberculosis Conor Tweed
Adopt to adapt: Efforts to Keep the RAMPART Trial of Adjuvant Immunotherapy in Renal Cancer on Track in the COVID-19 Era Elena Frangou
How are safety data reported in publications? A systematic review of phase III cancer trials Elizabeth C James
Right data, right time: presenting a new tool for extracting data management requirements from clinical trial protocols Lindsey Masters
Can patient and public involvement (PPI) representatives serve as independent members on Data Monitoring Committees? Nurulamin Noor
Assessing the suitability of death records from routine sources: a study within a trial Saiam Ahmed
Is clinical trial remote comparable to on-site monitoring? Comparing before and after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in the UK via a single site case study Sharon Love
Optimising Recruitment into Clinical Trials: Experience from Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Thomas Williams
Rethinking intercurrent events when defining estimands: worked examples from tuberculosis trials Tra My Pham
Lack of transparent reporting of trial monitoring approaches in randomised controlled trials: a systematic review of contemporary protocol papers Victoria Yorke-Edwards


Educational workshops

Day Session (time) Workshop title Author(s)
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM W1.5. Estimands in randomised trials: practical guidance to help get the right answer to the right question Brennan Kahan et al
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM W2.1. How Routine Healthcare Data can enhance data-enabled clinical trials – what is available and what to consider before you apply Suzanne Hartley, Macey Murray et al
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM W2.2. Clinical Trial Monitoring Sharon Love et al
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM W3.1: Statistical and practical aspects of the design and analysis of Multi-Arm Multi-Stage (MAMS) Platform Trials Babak Choodari-Oskooei et al


To see the full programme for ICTMC 2022 click this link.


We will be tweeting from @MRCCTU using the hashtag #ICTMC2022.

Further information: