Add-Aspirin Opens in India
31 Jul 2017
The Add-Aspirin Team are delighted to announce that Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, India is now open to recruitment as of 1 August 2017. This has been an ongoing collaboration between TMH and MRC CTU at UCL staff, who have worked hard to make this a possibility for the trial. In February a number of the Add-Aspirin Team including the Chief Investigator, Professor Ruth Langley and the Director of MRC CTU at UCL attended an Add-Aspirin Investigator Meeting in Mumbai to introduce the trial to staff and investigators from across India.
The Add-Aspirin trial is investigating whether regular aspirin use after curative treatment for early stage common solid tumours can prevent tumour recurrence and prolong survival. As an inexpensive drug with a potential therapeutic role in several common cancers, aspirin could have a huge impact on the global cancer burden particularly given the increasing cancer incidence in lower resource countries.
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