Launch of clinical trials: a new section on HealthTalkOnline
26 Jun 2014, an award winning website run by the UK charity DIPEx, has launched a new section of its website, which is all about clinical trials. The project has been funded by the National Institute for Health Research.
Based on research led by the DIPex Health Experiences Research Group at the University of Oxford, the new section presents video and audio interviews with over 40 people talking about why they took part – or chose not to take part – in a clinical trial and what information they needed.
Topics discussed include how they were approached about taking part in a trial, their reasons for taking part or saying no, their feelings about being randomised, practical issues such as appointments, tests and monitoring, and their feelings when a trial ends. There are video and audio clips from the interviews as well as written summaries.
Two representatives from the MRC CTU were involved in the development of this resource.