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In our ‘25 at 25’ series, we explore some of the Unit’s big achievements in relation to Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) over the last two decades.
On the latest episode of the Trial Talk podcast, members of the Unit’s PPI group discuss how we embed patient and public involvement into our clinical trials research.
Longer follow-up from RADICALS-RT confirms that having radiotherapy only if the cancer returns, as opposed to having it soon after surgery, is a better approach for most people.
Findings from the RADICALS-HD study confirm that adding two years, compared to six months, of hormone therapy delays prostate cancer spread in people who had surgery to remove the prostate followed by radiotherapy.
Our '25 at 25' series shines the spotlight on our OE02 and MAGIC trials, which showed how pre- and peri-operative chemotherapy can help people with stomach and oesophageal cancer live longer.